ClearToken Press Releases

All public statements from ClearToken can be found here.

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We are very pleased to announce that ClearToken has been awarded a place to participate in Fuse by A&O Shearman; a highly competitive innovation incubator specialising in LegalTech and digital assets. ClearToken is proud to have been selected for the final 10 from 80 key client nominations for the digital assets stream.

Growth of digital assets that will drive the future for finance is not just about new technology and cryptocurrencies; realizing potential depends upon the legal and regulatory structures that must evolve to support and legitimise new opportunities. Participating in Fuse perfectly places ClearToken to benefit from the support Fuse provides and a deep knowledge exchange about digital assets with A&O Shearman’s lawyers and clients in support of our common goal of influencing this quickly evolving space.

We're excited to share our first introductory video! Our short explainer highlights key problems currently facing the market, simplifies the benefits of centralised clearing and the visualises core concepts of novation and net settlement. We hope you enjoy it and find it useful.

"Creating Financial Market Infrastructure for Digital Assets: Securing Cryptocurrency and Digital Asset Trading" explores the key benefits of centralised clearing and why it matters for the future of institutional participation in digital assets.

ClearToken is proud to announce Flow Traders, GSR, LMAX Digital and Zodia Custody as new partners and investors, demonstrating the demand for centralised clearing in digital asset markets from institutional participants.

ClearToken has issued a press release to announce the successful completion of the Proof of Concept, its first phase towards delivering a CCP for digital assets to the financial market.

Nomura's digital assets subsidiary, Laser Digital, today announces a strategic investment in ClearToken, a startup that will introduce a clearing house to the digital asset marketplace, enabling the scale and structure required for mass institutional engagement with digital assets.